Beyond the canvas - How to turn your art prints into a successful business

Selling Art Prints



Selling art prints can be a great way for artists to reach a wider audience and earn extra income, especially with the rise of e-commerce and online marketplaces. Here are some guidelines and best practices for successfully selling your art prints.


  1. Determine your target audience: Before you start selling your art prints, it's important to understand who is most likely to buy them. Consider factors such as age, gender, interests, and location. Knowing who your customers might be will help you with important decisions such as choosing the printing method, offering size and framing options and   pricing. This will also help you select the appropriate channels for promoting and selling online and offline.
  1. Create high-quality prints: There are several printing methods available including giclée, offset, and digital, each having its own advantages and disadvantages. Research and select the best one for your specific needs while making sure your prints accurately represent the colors and details of your art.
  1. Determine the right price: Price is another very important factor in selling your art prints. The price of your artwork should be attractive while including a fair profit for you.
    • Price based on your materials, time, experience and the value you place on your artwork and keep in mind that you will likely need to offer discounts or promotions to increase sales.
    • Consider what other artists charge for comparable art prints so that you don’t overprice yours.
    • Be consistent with your pricing across all the platforms that you use to sell your art prints.
    1. Offer a variety of size and framing options: This will help attract a wider audience and increase sales by allowing customers to choose the best option to suit their preferences and budget.
    1. Promote your prints: To sell your art prints, you need to let people know your art prints are available. Here are some useful tips:
      • Use Social media: Platforms like Instagram and Facebook are powerful tools for showcasing your art to a wide audience, connect with potential customers, and promote your art prints. Choose the right platform for your audience.
      • Use high quality images: The images you use to promote your art prints are crucial in attracting potential customers and increasing the chances of a sale. Make sure they are well-lit, vibrant and accurately represent the colors and details of your art prints.
      • Offer special discounts or promotions: These can be effective ways to generate interest and drive sales. Consider offering a discount to first-time buyers or running a promotion during slow sales periods.
      • Collaborate with local businesses: Displaying your art prints at local venues such as restaurants and cafes can also be an effective marketing tool.
      1. Utilize online marketplaces: Consider selling your art prints on online marketplaces such as Ateliers Müz and Etsy in order to reach a larger audience. These platforms handle the payment processing, making it easier for you to sell your prints and some of them like Ateliers Müz, also promote your art prints to a wide audience. Choose the platforms that are used by your  potential customers and offers the features and tools you need such as marketing.
      1. Provide excellent customer service: To build customer trust and loyalty, respond promptly to customer inquiries and ensure that your art prints are packaged carefully and shipped promptly. Also, an effective practice is to offer a money-back guarantee and follow up with customers after a sale to ensure satisfaction.

      The right combination of product, pricing, platform, marketing and customer care will help you increase the sale of your art prints and grow your art business.

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