Margaret Ann Adams
My Grandmother’s Shawl - Paint a beautiful story (Online, Pre-recorded)
Regular price
Type: Pre-recorded video instruction with one-on-one support; Learn at your leisure
Instructrice / Instructor: Margaret Ann Adams
Langue d’instruction / Instruction language: Video instructions in English, but email support is provided in English and French
Schedule / Calendrier: On-demand; 2.5 - 3 h session
Description: You will learn, step-by-step, how create a world of realism that tells the story but not the entire story, leaving room for imagination. This workshop introduces a series of learning curves designed to bring light and colour to your paintings. The instructions will include using a limited palette of colours and as well as brush techniques.
You will be provided with detailed material list, a line drawing template and step-by-step video instructions. You will also be provided with email and/or Zoom support.
Target Audience: Adults and all the levels of competencies. Some knowledge of oil or acrylic is recommended
Tools and material attendees need to have ready / Les outils et le matériel que les participants doivent préparer: Canvas or wood (suggested size rectangular 12” x 12”); Oil or acrylic paints and brushes - more details are provided
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