Gavin Grahm
Artiste photographe / Photography Artist
There is a saying in photography: the best camera is the one you have with you when you want to take a shot. In addition, "You don't take a photograph, you make it." _ (Ansel Adams)
What you see in this collection is a diverse and eclectic mix of images with a focus on landscapes and wildlife. I use either my Cell phone or DSLR to capture my images with the use of camera type dependant on availability at the time of the photo opportunity. I edit each image using state-of-the-art software for clarity, colour and/or artistic interpretations which reflects on my particular preference and style.
In other words, I like colour, punch and attitude in my images and artistic renderings.
Visual stimulus, be it good or bad is in the eyes of the beholder. For many these images may not be of interest however for the few, some of them have the potential to add an appeasing dimension and life to select living areas.
The beauty of a gallery such as this is that one can select an image ( click on it ) and then view it mounted in a particular room and on different mounting medium.

Brebeuf Falls